About Us

Barbara Jaworski


Ms Jaworski is founder of the Workplace Institute. Barbara coordinates all Investigations training with our talented experts.

Gareth Jones

Our investigations training courses are created and delivered by Gareth Jones. Gareth is a former Director of the Special Ombudsman Response Team at the Office of the Ombudsman of the Department of National Defense and Canadian Forces (DND/CF). He was responsible for setting up the team and directing all major investigations conducted by the Office. Many had a systemic component, including investigations into how the Canadian Forces dealt with service personnel with PTSD, the administration of military Boards of Inquiry, the investigation of deaths and serious injuries and how the families of killed and injured military members were treated.

Prior to that, he became an investigator with the Attorney General of the Province of Ontario, Special Investigations Unit (SIU) when it began operations in January 1991. SIU has a mandate to investigate deaths and serious injuries involving police officers.  Gareth conducted about 500 criminal investigations into incidents where police were involved in a death or a serious injury, including approximately 100 officer-involved shootings, 150 police pursuits and 50 custody deaths. He also investigated a number of allegations of sexual assault against police officers. He was the lead investigator in a very significant number of these investigations.

He is the co-creator of an investigative training program that he has delivered to fact-finding agencies across the world, including UN bodies, as well as to organizations that conduct regulatory, security, human resources, workplace, human rights, anti-corruption and internal affairs investigations.

He is author of Conducting Administrative, Oversight and Ombudsman Investigations, published by Canada Law Book in 2009. The book forms the basis for training he has delivered to a wide range of public and private sector organizations across the world, including customized training programmes for individual agencies. He is also the author of The Top Ten Things Not To Do When Setting Up A Police Oversight Agency and Workplace Investigations: Getting Beyond He Said, She Said and the co-author of Measuring Ombudsman Performance: Setting Performance Standards And Indicators.

Gareth was commissioned by the Asia Pacific Forum to write an investigation training manual for front line human rights investigators. The APF represents 19 National Human Rights Institutions in the region. The Manual, entitled Undertaking Effective Investigations: A Guide For National Human Rights Institutions was published in August 2013.

Gareth is a former police sergeant with the Metropolitan Police, London, UK. He immigrated to Canada in 1988. He has a BA Honours degree in history from the University of Manchester, UK.

Gareth been retained by counsel in the United States, Canada and the Cayman Islands to provide expert evidence in police shooting and pursuit cases.

Andy Phillips

Andy Phillips was a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) for twenty five years, of which in excess of 20 years was spent investigating financial crimes ranging from fraud, bankruptcy, money laundering, tax evasion and proceeds of crime. He retired from the RCMP in 1997 and spent two years working within the banking and insurance industry, also conducting investigations which were financial in nature.

Between 1999 and 2005 he worked on contract with the RCMP and in 2005 became a civilian employee of the RCMP until September 2008. In September 2008 he set up his own consulting business and now works and consults for various Federal and Provincial government agencies in Canada.

Past duties included developing training materials for financial investigations involving, terrorism, organized crime and money laundering. He has testified in court in respect of evidence from the Internet, and in 2009 was declared an expert on Internet Open Source Collection in General Division Court in Montreal in a National Security matter. In short Mr Phillips’ focus since 1999 has been the Internet and its use for investigations.

Andy Phillips has developed the “Tactical Use of the Internet” five day course for the RCMP, which focused on the investigative use of the Internet for financial investigations, organized crime and national security investigations. This course and variations of it, has been delivered to members of the RCMP as well as to other police, military and intelligence agencies.  Mr. Phillips has provided training in both money laundering and / or the use of the Internet in Canada, the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia and Latin America. He continues to conduct research into matters of due diligence for corporate clients, as well as staying current with the changes on the Internet and to develop learning material

Ian Scott

Ian Scott is a graduate of the University of Toronto and University of Western Ontario Law School, and was called to the bar in 1983.  After conducting research for Judges of the former High Court of Justice, he worked briefly at a downtown law firm, and joined the Criminal Law Division of the Ministry of the Attorney General in 1985.  He has held numerous positions in that Division, including Chief Counsel – Justice Prosecutions, General Counsel, appellate counsel and head of the office’s criminal trials unit. He has also spent time in private practice, where he represented police management in police disciplinary hearings, and appeals to the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services and Divisional Court. In October 2008, he began a five year term as Director of Ontario’s Special Investigations Unit, a position which ended in October 2013. He is currently in private practice.

He is the editor of Issues in Civilian Oversight of Policing in Canada, published by Canada Law Book in 2014. As well, he is the author of the Police Services Act of Ontario:  an Annotated Guide (3 ed), and the co-author of Salhany’s Police Manual of Arrest, Seizure & Interrogation (10th ed).  An eleventh edition will be published later this year.

Ian is adjunct professor at Western Law School teaching criminal procedure and a new course called ‘Police Accountability and the Law’. He is investigative counsel for the Justice of the Peace Review Council and the Ontario Judicial Council

He is also a member of the Ontario Review Board.

When Ian was director of the SIU he reviewed over one thousand investigations of police officers involved in death, sexual assault and serious injury incidents.

Workplace Institute

2239 Bloor St. W. Suite #4
Toronto, ON M6S 1N7